Online Summer School Population Health Management
- Startdatum:
- 29 juni 2020
- Cursusduur:
- 5 dagen
- Werkzaam als:
- Healthcare professional (general practioner, specialist), Medisch specialist, PhD, Anders
- 24
Join the 100% online Summer school of 2020 for an excellent scientific introduction to Population Health Management.
What you learn: A new strategic and game-changing approach in health care
Course date & time: 29 June - 3 July 2020, from 9.00 to ± 17.00 hrs
Sign up: before 15 June 2020 (places are limited!)
100% Online Class: Communicate face-to-face with teachers and fellow participants
Language: English
Course fee: Professionals: € 750, PhDs: € 375, Master’s students: waiting list
Course Materials: Online
Population Health Management.
An ageing population, epidemiological challenges, rising healthcare costs, and technical developments in the medical sector: Learn about this new strategy and acquire new competences to deal with these current issues.
Population Health Management (PHM) is a broadly based response to these challenges and has emerged as an important strategy for health care providers and payers. According to thought leaders, it is to become the new worldwide scientific standard. A game changer.
Are you interested in a more proactive approach in health care? Do you want a key role in a more integrated health care system? Then this Summer School is a good introduction. It offers a thorough overview of the various components in Population Health Management.
100% Online Class
Communicate face-to-face with teachers and fellow participants. You will work in breakout groups on projects and discuss course content together. Participating is easy: information and login details will be sent to you before the start. Needed: your laptop and your own private place.
Reviews from previous participants
Dr. D.J. Versluis, MHA, Internist-intensivist, Haaglanden Medisch Centrum: "PHM gives an excellent insight into the various aspects of public health care and the relationship between them. Awareness of this relationship is essential, to place your own contribution within a broader perspective - and to act upon it within your own domain, in connection with other stakeholders."
Drs Karin J.G. Busch, Regiomanager Zorggroep Hadoks: "The course gave me a really concrete understanding of Population Health Management and what it means in daily practice. The combination of theory and practical workshops worked very well."
Loïse M.G. Jacz-Kruithof MD, General Practitioner The Hague: “The highlight is working together with all different professionals during the week.”
Daan L. de Frel, PhD LUMC: “I see a lot of patients with a lot of diseases and we cure them in hospital. But I also see a lot of medical sources wasted on items we could cure within the population, outside the hospital. This summer school presented an opportunity to see how you can manage that. How you can zoom in on a specific population and help them, outside the hospital.”
Sign up before 15 June 2020 (places are limited!)
* Please note that there is a waiting list for the Master students.
This summer school is organized by Boerhaave Continuing Medical Education on behalf of and in cooperation with LUMC Campus The Hague. As a participant you will receive course related information from Boerhaave Continuing Medical Education. In addition, you may receive announcements by email of courses that are related to your profession and/or specialism. You can unsubscribe at any time via My Boerhaave. You may also receive related information from the LUMC Campus.
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,100% Online Class: Communicate face-to-face with teachers and fellow participants. You will work in breakout groups on projects and discuss course content together. Participating is easy: information and login details will be sent to you before the start.
Needed: your laptop and your own private place.
Course fee | € 750,00 | |
PhD (candidate) | € 375,00 | |
Students | waiting list | |