• Startdatum:
  • 24 mei 2018
  • Cursusduur:
  • 2 dagen
  • Werkzaam als:
  • PhD, Student

The course aims to introduce students to epigenetic technologies by providing an overview of the state-of-the-art chromatin and gene regulation studies in The Netherlands. The course consists of lecture sessions in the morning and in the afternoon.

Some of the topics induced are: genome wide methylation profiling, genetic and epigenetic pathways in health and disease, transcription factors, chromatin remodelling, chromatin and the DNA damage response, X-inactivation and stem cells.


There is a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 100 places.


The course is free of charge for all personnel of MGC and MolMed associated institutes and OOA (VUMC, AMC, NKI departments), CTO (UMC Utrecht), and RIMLS/RIHS (Radboud UMC) associated departments.

Participants from outside these organizations pay € 200.

In case of no show participants from the MGC, MolMed, OOA, CTO and RIMLS/RIHS institutes will be charged 50 euro, other participants have to pay the full price.