• Startdatum:
  • 22 maart 2024
  • Cursusduur:
  • 1 dag
  • Werkzaam als:
  • AIOS, Medisch specialist


  • NOV:
  • 6
  • NVvH:
  • 6
  • NVVN:
  • 6

During this one-day course you will learn how to expose all the major nerves of the lower limb. Experienced faculty will give short presentations on the different anatomical regions followed by demonstration-operations, after which you can perform the surgical approaches.

Learning objectives
After following this course you will be able to perform operations to the lower limb with confidence, where the treatment of nerve pathology is central or where iatrogenic nerve injuries must be avoided.

Target group
Neurosurgeons, orthopaedists, general surgeons, trauma surgeons, plastic surgeons and those who are in training for one of these specialties.
For Neurosurgery trainees in the Netherlands the course is a compulsory part of the curriculum.

The course takes place under the auspices of the Dutch Society for Neurosurgery.

Accreditation has been awarded by various professional associations.

Course language
If there are no international participants the course language will be Dutch.

Course committee
Dr. W. Pondaag (Chair), nervesurgeon of the department of neurosurgery, LUMC
Prof.dr. M.J.A. Malessy, nervesurgeon, LUMC
Drs. K.A. Bartlema, trauma surgeon, LUMC
Prof.dr. R.G.H.H. Nelissen, orthopedic surgeon, LUMC
Drs. J. Nagels, orthopedic surgeon, LUMC
Dr. J.L. Groen, nervesurgeon, Leiden University Medical Center

  22 March 2024
08:15 Registration and coffee
08:55 Welcome and introduction
Dr. Willem Pondaag
09:00 The ankle area
Drs. Jochem Nagels
09:10 Dissection 1: Medial approach to the ankle and foot
09:50 The lateral knee & lower leg
Dr. Justus Groen
10:00 Dissection 2: The lateral approach to the knee & lower leg
10:40 Coffee break
11:00 The posterior knee area
Drs. Jochem Nagels
11:10 Dissection 3: Posterior approach to the knee
11:40 Gluteal region
Dr. Willem Pondaag
11:50 Dissection 4: Subgluteal space and dorsal approach to the hip
12:40 Lunch
13:40 The ventral upper leg
Drs. Kees Bartlema
13:50 Dissection 5: Ventral approach to the upper leg
14:50 Coffee/tea break
15:10 Lumbosacral plexus 
Prof. dr. Martijn Malessy
15:20 Dissection 6: Approach to the lumbosacral plexus
  Dissection 7: Microsurgical nerve suture
16:20 ‘From head to toe’
Dr. Willem Pondaag
16:40 Drinks & goodbye
17:00 End of program
Drs. K.A. Bartlema
Traumachirurg, LUMC
Dr. J.L. Groen
Neurochirurg, LUMC
Prof. dr. M.J.A. Malessy
Neurochirurg, LUMC
Drs. J. Nagels
Prof. Dr. R.G.H.H. Nelissen
Dr. R.G.E. Notenboom
Anatomie, LUMC
Dr. W. Pondaag
Neurochirurg, LUMC
Einthovenweg 20, 2333 ZC Leiden

LUMC, Building 2, T0-22 and skillslab

Routedescription and parking

Participation € 1.025,-

Registrations of participants on the waiting list will be treated with priority until August 1st, 2023. After this date the places will be awarded in order of registration.

Please note that upon registration, you agree to our Terms and Conditions, including the stated cancellation policy. Administration fees may be charged upon cancellation.