• Startdatum:
  • 19 maart 2018
  • Cursusduur:
  • 2 dagen
  • Werkzaam als:
  • PhD, Student

Preservation of genetic information (DNA) is of prime importance to all living systems. The aim of the course is to familiarize participants with the mechanisms that are involved in maintaining genome stability. In the environment humans are exposed to chemical agents and radiation, which threaten the integrity of the genetic material leading to risks for the induction of cancer and congenital malformation. To withstand the harmful effects of DNA damage and to maintain genome integrity, cells are equipped with an intricate network of DNA damage response pathways. Key players in these processes are protein complexes involved in DNA replication, DNA repair and chromosome segregation as well as regulators of the cell cycle and cell death.

This course will provide an up to date insight in the chain of reactions from exposure to the ultimate consequences. Lectures will deal with the basic principles of several cell biological aspects such as DNA damage formation, signalling pathways, DNA repair and mutation formation. A few lectures will deal with more applied research.

There is a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 40 places. Deadline for registration 5 March, 2018.

For a detailed programme : programme Genome maintenance and cancer



19 March, 2018 takes place in building 3 - lecture hall V3-26/30

20 March, 2018 takes place in the main building of LUMC - lecture hall 2

Hippocratespad 21, 2333 ZD Leiden

Participation for personnel from MGC associated institutes (LUMC, Erasmus MC)                      € 0
Participation for personnel from OOA associated institutes (VUmc, AMC, NKI departments)      € 0
Participation for personnel from CTO associated institutes (UMC Utrecht)                                   € 0
Participation for personnel from RIMLS/RIHS associated institutes (Radboudumc)                     € 0
Participation for personnel from other institutes                                                                            € 200,-


The course is free of charge for all personnel of MGC associated institutes and OOA (VUMC, AMC, NKI departments), CTO (UMC Utrecht), and RIMLS/RIHS (Radboud UMC) associated departments. Be sure that you fill in your affiliation

Participants from outside these organizations pay € 200 for this course.

In case of no show participants from the MGC, OOA, CTO and RIMLS/RIHS institutes will be charged 50 euro, other participants have to pay the full price